The Sweet Embrace of Ylang- Ylang
By: Frankie Janiec
In this plant study we will take a deeper look into Ylang-Ylang (“phonetically pronounced EE-lang EE-lang [organic facts]). The who, what, where, and when of Ylang-Ylang. We will be exploring this plant through the lens of the physical- body, etheric-body, and astral-body.
PART 1: The Nitty Gritty, Factual, Scientific, History, and Lore
THE SCIENCE, RESEARCH AN ANALYSIS: Let’s first look at the science of Ylang- Ylang, who is it? Who does it belong to? Ylang-Ylang is scientifically known as Canaga Ordata. It is referred to as Ylang -Ylang or Cananga Tree. Ylang Ylang is a Spanish-colonialization spelling for Tagalog “Ilang-Ilang”. Meaning “Flower of all Flowers” It is native to the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam. But can also be found in various parts of the world such as- Madagascar, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Guinea, and Australia. It prefers sub-tropical and tropical areas, with full or partial sun, and in areas protected from wind by other trees. (Cananga odorata 2022)
Please see below a picture of the Ylang-Ylang Tree. Now you can have a visual of who we are talking about!
Ylang-Ylang belongs to the Annonaceae Family. This family includes flowering trees, shrubs, and (rarely) a stemmy/woody vine known as “lianas”. Another tree in this family is the sugar apple tree. It is the largest family within the order of Magnoliales, which means flowering plants. The tree itself can get as tall as 100ft, and are oval, pointed at the tip and wavy in the center. The bark grows very fast and therefore is quite delicate and the branches can break in a heavy storm. (The ylang-ylang: Queen of the perfume world… 2022)
They range in size from 5-8 inches long. There are usually 6 yellow, drooping sea star shaped petals that make up the Ylang-Ylang flowers. The petals star off as green, turn into a chartreuse, and then yellow in their final stage. Once they are yellow, they fall off the tree. Making the flowers humble in appearance, until the end of their life cycle. The flowers are where we harvest our Ylang-Ylang essential oils, fragrances, and flower essences from. (Ylang Ylang Tree 2011-2022)
Beginning Stages of Petals:
Middle Stages of the petals-before turning yellow:
Photo Credit: South Florida Plant Guide
Final Stage of petals- before falling off:
Photo Credit: Balcony Garden Web
As it is an evergreen tree, when the tree is young it’ll bloom at least two times throughout the year. “As the tree matures it will bloom almost constantly” (The benefits, uses, and history…, 2022) They are pollinated at night, by night moths. Releasing their fragrance from dusk till dawn. Their strongest scent is released at sunrise. (The benefits, uses, and history… 2022)
CHEMICAL PROPERTIES: Let’s take a quick look at the four main chemical properties in Ylang-Ylang. Below you will find four of the main of the chemical properties that make up the strong fragrance of Ylang-Ylang. Please note there are other chemical properties within the Ylang-Ylang tree that are not listed below. Because Ylang- Ylang is a heavily produced oil, many of the chemical components within the tree have been extracted and separated for additional uses. More on this below.
Linalool (Found in lavender plants, cinnamon plants, cannabis plants, basil plants, mugwort, and goldenrod plants) (Cananga odorata 2022):
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Benzl Acetate (Found in neroli and Jasmin) (Cananga odorata 2022):
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P-Cresyl Methyl Ether (which is a flammable liquid that is not water soluble) (Cananga odorata 2022):
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Methyl Benzoate (which is the sweet smell that attracts bugs, often used in solvents and pesticides) (Cananga odorata 2022)
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The common thread in these chemicals is that they are also found in other flowers that are very FRAGRANT! Many of the flowers with the chemical component Linalool are found in perfumes, essential oils, flower essences, and even ICE CREAM! (Why not ylang ylang? 2016)
Have you ever had Jasmin, cinnamon, lavender, or basil ice cream? You can often find these flavors at artisanal ice cream parlors. Amongst these “fancy” flavors, you can also find Ylang-Ylang. In contrast to it being a “fancy” flavor in the United States, it is a common flavor of ice cream in places where the Ylang-Ylang tree grows- such as the Indonesia, Madagascar, and other tropical areas. The flavor is aromatic, gentle, sweet, and floral. (Why not ylang ylang? 2016) And amazingly doesn’t taste like soap! I made some Ylang -Ylang ice cream and it provided much sweetness- on all levels: Aromatically, on the tongue’s pallet, and energetically.
Photo credit: Mental Floss
In addition to ice cream, in places where Ylang-Ylang commonly grows, you can also find the flavor in “…Beverages, candies, chewing gum…” (The benefits, uses, and …2022) YUM! One of the things that has not yet been mentioned about Ylang-Ylang is that it is the number one ingredient in Chanel No5:
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Not only is it found in the Chanel No5 formula. It is a fragrance found in many other popular perfumes. Which leads us to its other name. “The Perfume Tree”. (Ferro, Jeni's wants to replace … 2016)
MEDICINAL and HERBAL USES: Ylang-Ylang is not only a common perfume, but also a common essential oils. It is heavily harvested and distilled for its potent aroma. It is most prominently harvested (even exploited) by both the cosmetic and food industry. According to the National Library of Medicine, it was traditionally used to treat: “malaria, stomach ailments, asthma, gout, and rheumatism…. The essential oils or ylang-ylang oil is used in aromatherapy and is believed to be effective in treating depression, high blood pressure, and anxiety. (Tan et al., Traditional uses… 2015) Circling back to the chemical components of Ylang-Ylang according to the National Library of Medicine and WebMD, various chemical components within Ylang-Ylang are extracted and used for various medicinal purposes such as an “antimicrobial, antibiofilm, anti-inflammatory, antivector, insect-repellent, antidiabetic, antifertility and antimelanogenesis activities.” (Tan et al., Traditional uses… 2015) and for “skin relaxation, lowering blood pressure, increased sexual desire, and head lice (when combined with other chemicals)” (Ylang Ylang Oil... 2022)
The essential oil of Ylang-Ylang is used for many of the ailments listed above, but also, as a sedative, for stress relief and for nervous system relief and strengthening. “Ylang-ylang essential oil can be used to cure infections in internal organs such as the stomach, intestines, colon, and urinary tract. It is also good for people suffering from insomnia, fatigue, and frigidity.” (Meenakshi Nagdevelast , 8 surprising benefits of ylang ylang essential oil 2020)
As you can see, Ylang- Ylang is used for many, many things. From bodily ailments, emotional ailments, to smelling good!
Photo credit: Arica Imports
Photo Credit: Wholesale Botanica
Ylang-Ylang as a common bedtime story:
The “Legend of the Ylang-Ylang” is a common bedtime story for children in areas where Ylang-Ylang grows. A short version of this story is the God of Beauty was sent down to earth by the Jade Emperor to create fragrant flowers on Earth. Before the God of Beauty went to Earth there were plants with only leaves. The God of Beauty went to create flowers and beautiful scents. In the story, she goes up to various flowers (rose, lotus, hibiscus) and asks them what they would do if they were blessed with a beautiful scent. Depending on their answer she would give them a scent. When Ylang- Ylang was approached by the God of Beauty, it humbly asks her to give it to the grass because it is too tall to receive scent. Due to it’s humble answer, the God of Beauty orders Ylang-Ylang to take the scent and spread the smell and love throughout the world. (The legend of ylang-ylang 2017) “Ylang-Ylang is sometimes considered the Goddess of the Flowers.” (The legend of ylang-ylang 2017)
Photo Credit: Kids bedtime stories online
In the wiccan tradition:
“In the wiccan tradition, Ylang- Ylang is associated with the planet Venus. Ylang- Ylang can be used as a love charm, and it is said that the aroma helps dispel fear and promote self-confidence. Because the fragrance is soothing and tension-taming, it is also used in spells that are thought to invoke a calm, meditative state. It is also believed to be helpful in dispelling negative thoughts and emotions. Combining its love-promoting and soothing properties, Ylang-Ylang is also said to help promote self-acceptance and self-love.” (The benefits, uses, and history… 2022)
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A Philippine Myth:
“…a girl named ylang ylang has sworn to chastity, however her beauty is so powerful that she attracts a mate. When he tries to touch her she disappears and turns into the flower.” (The myth of the ylang ylang 2022) Hence, it’s relations to being an aphrodisiac and related to love, the goddess of love (Venus) and Beauty.
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Much like rose petals are thrown on a bed for lovers in Western culture, in places where Ylang-Ylang grows, it is thrown on the bed of lovers and newly-weds.
PART 2: Physical body, Etheric Body, and Astral Body
THE PHYSICAL BODY: The Colors: Okay- we are about to go deep, so bear with me. Let’s start with GREEN!! Green is the color of the Anahata or Heart Chakra. The Heart Chakra represents (the 4th Chakra) “It is in the center of the chest. It represents love, self-love, and governs our relationships. Imbalanced attributes would be depression, difficulty in relationships and lack of self- discipline.” (King , 2022)
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Green in Chinese medicine represents the wood element. It also represents growth and beginnings. It relates to the liver and the gall bladder- Ylang- Ylang can help tonify and sooth liver ailments- liver ailments can be connected to the emotion anger- anger is connected to the wood element- the wood element is connected to green. (Meaning of the color green 2022) As stated above, green is the color of the beginning stages of Ylang-Ylang petals! To wrap this up even more- The heart chakra is also connected to the liver. All this to say, the colors of the tree represent a much deeper meaning and can tell us so much more than what mets the eye, about the flower.
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The next color we can discuss is Yellow. Yellow is connected to the Manipura, Solar Plexus Chakra (3rd Chakra) “The yellow chakra is believed to be related to personal power and self-esteem. When this chakra is balanced, a person exhibits confidence, reliability, responsibility, purposefulness, and motivation. But when the yellow chakra is unbalanced, a person will show aggression, low self-esteem, and a need to dominate and control others” (Yellow Chakra meaning 2021) The solar plexus chakra is in fact connected to the liver- the liver is connected to anger- (which is connected to green in Chinese medicine.) “A balanced third chakra helps control the mind, especially during times of agitation and/or anxiety.” (Yellow Chakra meaning 2021) Ylang-Ylang is known to calm the mind, calm anxieties, and calm agitation of emotions and of the body.
The solar plexus chakra is also connected to the sun- The sun being yellow and bright and uplifting. Ylang-Ylang is at peak fragrance at sunrise. Ylang-Ylang is also known to be used for uplifting spirits and emotions.
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Yellow in Chinese medicine is connected to Earth. It is related to the Spleen. The solar plexus chakra is, in fact, also connected to the spleen, “Yellow is an earth tone and the earth, the very ground beneath our feet, represents stability. Diagnosing and treating through the digestive system is arguably the most important aspect of treatment in TCM. Maintaining the health of the digestive system and keeping it grounded and stable is the key to good health.” (Danti, The color connection in traditional Chinese medicine 2021) One of the ways Ylang-Ylang is used, is to stabilize blood sugar levels- therefore addressing the spleen. According to this excerpt by Suzanne Bouvenizer, Ylang-Ylang Essential oil is used to address the spleen:
“Spleen/Pancreas meridian encourages the enjoyment of the sweetness of life. When imbalanced, we can no longer find life to be sweet, so we substitute large amounts of sugar to compensate for what we are unable to allow in with joy. We may feel weak, worried, isolated and depressed when our sugar levels are raised by candy instead of by exuberance and connection to source as well as community.” (Bovenizer, 2017)
Photo Credit: Dr. Krystal Couture
It is all so connected, the color, the elements, the seasons, the emotions. Green and Yellow have a huge part to play in the physical body of Ylang-Ylang.
Photo Credit: Frankie Janiec
Ylang -Ylang’s Etheric Body and Etheric energy offers a very sincere sense of love. Everything about Ylang-Ylang is tied to love and beauty. It uplifts one into the spirits of love and light. Let’s break it down a little further.
The Shape: The tree and the petal look almost like outstretched arms, ready to give a warm embrace. Much like its fragrance- which also provides an all-encompassing olfactory hug.
If you look at the early stages of a Ylang-Ylang flower, it almost looks like a heart. The beginning stages of the flower looks like closed heart. As it begins to blossom and mature, the flower turns from green to yellow and opens. Almost like the heart itself is opening. Along with the scent, the more the tree blossoms, the more the flowers open the stronger the fragrance. Putting this all together- the more one exposes oneself to this flower, listening to the messages of Ylang-Ylang, the more the heart will open.
You could also interpret Ylang-Ylang to not only look like the human heart, but also like the nervous system. As stated, in part 1. Ylang-Ylang is also used to address the nervous system.
Photo Credit: MDPI
Photo Credit: News-
If we interpret this even further, Ylang-Ylang could be compared to a hug- it could be compared to the heart beat we feel within a hug, or the uplifting butterflies we get when we hug someone we love. It wraps and twirls and dances with positivity, warmth, beauty, and soothing sensations. And to go just a little bit further- when we hug someone: “A hug lowers blood pressure. When you hug, touch, or sit close to someone you love, your body releases oxytocin, which scientists call the ‘cuddle hormone’ This hormone can help relax and lower anxiety, which in turn can effectively lower blood pressure.” A hug has similar effects as Ylang-Ylang. Oxytocin is the hormone that is released when we hug someone. Please see the picture below of an oxytocin molecule. It looks strikingly like a Ylang-Ylang petal!
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Ying/Yang: Ylang-Ylang offers both qualities of yin and yang energy. Although, it is most used to balance out yin deficiency and yang excess. It can balance out yin energy in the heart. It begins to blossom at night and tends to be the most fragrant at night- which is all related to yin energetics. It is soothing and calming; at the same time, it is used for uplifting spirits. It is at its peak fragrance at the beginning of a yang cycle- sunrise. In addition, the tree itself is considered “bisexual”, also offering both Yin and Yang Qualities. If we go back to color, the dark green is more yin and the yellow is more yang. To conclude- Ylang-Ylang has a unique balance of Yin and Yang and can help us balance the deficiencies and excess in both.
Photo Credit: Mediarkdesigns
THE ASTRAL BODY: Ylang-Ylang Flower Essence: “Ylang-Ylang Flower Essence ...Offers a feeling of gratitude, helps release grief, nervousness. It gives you a feeling of euphoria, uplifts your energy, offers a feeling of joy, and induces beautiful dreams.” (Roots and Rhythms 2022) From my personal experience of taking the flower essence, I can attest that it brought a sweetness to my soul, in a time when things were very heavy and grim. It provided a sense of beauty- like looking at the world through “rose-colored glasses” but with pure awareness.
In addition to its soothing and euphoric attributes, it was also like taking a little drop of star dust- assisting in beautiful dreams and dream support. This was very insightful to see, as my dream journal went from nightmares to more pleasant awarenesses.
Photo Credit: Frankie Janiec
The Fragrance: Ylang- Ylang is used in perfumes to attract mates, salves to calm the skin, and the oil is used in spells for love and lust. The essential is used as an aphrodisiac, a soothing agent for the soul, an uplifter for the soul, and a sensation of beauty for the recipient. It alters the mind of the one who is taking it (and in fragrance form) the one smelling it to be coerced by beauty. Although, the psychoactive effects are not hallucinogenic, it does provide mind altered states.
Photo Credit: Dossier
There you have it- Ylang-Ylang. Our sweet “flower of flowers” offering the world it’s love, sincerity, euphoria, peace and much more.
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