— Session 4 of 4 —
This course supports your integration of spiritual elements of healing into your personal and/or clinical work. Earth-based practices, prayer, ritual and ancestral wisdom are a few of the spiritual multidisciplinary domains we will explore together. Working in concert with the natural world and one’s spiritual allies and practices is co-creative; with safe and respectful application, this approach can enliven transformative change and support healing on seen and unseen levels.
Therapists and counselors will learn approaches to welcome your clients’ unique expressions of the Sacred into therapeutic encounter. For experienced flower essence practitioners, this course will deepen your understanding of the Flower Essence Society’s Metaflora Level Seven, and how to support your clients’ relationship with the spiritual core and Transcendent Self. Those who are new to flower essences will discover remedies to support your spiritual life and personal ritual.
Facilitated by psychotherapist and flower essence practitioner Heidi Smith