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Into The Depths: 9 Stages of Soul Healing

A 6-week live virtual training for energetic healers to chart the non-linear, archetypal journey of soul transformation in yourself and clients.

Energetic medicine is a subtle, yet profound way to support the soul on its journey, which is filled with ups and downs, successes and failures. Into the Depths explores the Sumerian Myth, The Descent of Inanna, along with healing narratives from across the globe. We'll explore how the 9 Stages of Soul Healing- from Containment to Emergence- are reflected in the healing process. We'll compare Inanna's transformation to contemporary Hero’s stories, the Transtheoretical Model (TTM) of Change, and the 4 Stages of Flower Essence Therapy. This course also covers how to set short- term, mid-range and long-term goals as mile markers as we monitor soul transformation in ourselves and/or clients.

Registration closes December 1st.

November 19

Family Constellation & Flower Essence Ceremony

August 18

Fall-Winter Registration Opens!