Glow (A Poem for the Fire Element)

By Jillian Fiore


She is 


A vibration surrounded by music notes and twinkling stars 

A smile — the magnet that draws people in. 


When beings approach her

Their own brilliant colors 

Light up brighter,

even the ones they have dimmed

or hidden 

inside themselves.   

Sometimes, the shine is so bright 

it’s blinding —

Like the glare of the sun on snow 

Forcing a pause 

Suspending time 

Creating                     space 

Nothing to see out there 

Everything to be in here 

In the expanse, we are held 

Without fear or shame

As new parts of ourselves 


Emerging from the infinite depths of who we are 

In the radiance of each person’s glow

She feels their warmth and their power 

And dances in cosmic circles around each sun,  

Luxuriating in every invitation

to go deeper together.

And so our colors beam,

A new constellation of sacred wildflowers 

Beautifully different and divine 

Supported by our ancestors, each other, the universe.


Fire Element Collages


Wood Element Collages: